What you can find here, is all about music.
I trully believe life plays an important role in our life, even on some certain level, it determines the quality of our one-time life.

We are Young

去年暑假每周都會有兩天在實驗室里打工,實驗室的里工作比較枯燥,還好有收音機播放音樂。 雖然多大都是流行樂, 不過總比重復的機器聲音讓人好受。 有時候會跑到別的實驗室乘機呆在那里聽同事的CD。

這首We are young從八月的某一天開始被重復又重復地每天在各個電臺熱播,想不知道也難。

Tonight, we are YOUNG.

So we set the world on fire

we can burn brighter than the sun.

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